
For comfort on your journey...

For the last few years, my life has been changing exponentially.
Experiences are the powerful teachers. And sometimes the most poorly wrapped gift holds the greatest treasure.
I have found my voice as a composer, and crystalized my life's purpose and direction. In July 2023 I completed an MFA in Music Composition---a life dream.
More to share soon.
Enjoy this epic piece: Hope After Dark
(A collaboration with Mark Lesly Smith, PhD)
Simple Gifts album is HERE!
April 3, 2022
Remembering classic hymns, their art and power. New project: Billy Crockett (guitar and voice) with cello.
Listen now: www.simplegifts22.com
Dear Traveler--an open letter to you:
Cello to sing beside you...music offerings below:
My cello functions as a spiritual voice of companionship---respectfully offering tenderness and compassion to all. I play from the deep well that is my "professional listening", from my past experience as a mental health therapist, a studio and performing improvising musician, and a certified music practitioner--trained to play bedside.
Prior to March of 2020, I lived to offer the healing power of such surprise encounters in unconventional settings. Playing in oncology hallways, near infusion rooms, near dialysis areas, next to busy cafeterias, in ER lobbies, and on countless other floors where staff are working, families are visiting and patients are resting has been transformative.
There is something heart-opening about the gentle, unexpected embrace of the cello. And it is THIS work, this mission of singing to and celebrating our shared humanity in all our fragility, that fuels my soul, ignites my spirit and illuminates my purpose.
Currently, my work is three-fold, I'm:
--available for collaborative event-crafting, and am able to work virtually, bringing cello along side you in your setting of choice.
--available to record/arrange cello tracks for your studio project.
--creating and offering healing celloscapes for you to inhabit. Categories will include audio tracks, music videos, and eventually live streaming events and other resources. (Find such music below.)
Feel free to travel these restorative paths and let cello wash over you. Day or night. Whenever you need my cello's soothing voice.
So thankful for who you are, your courage, your light, your open-hearted listening.
In gratitude,
A Few Audio Tracks, Narrated And Music Only
Narrated: Reset and Refresh
Narrated by Kate Potter: for restoring calm
Music Only: Reset and Refresh
My all-instrumental track for restoring calm
Narrated: Sleep Away, Sleep
Narrated by Kate Potter: for achieving sleep
Music Only: Sleep Away, Sleep
My all instrumental track for achieving sleep
Narrated Practice in Heartfulness
My own narrated meditation in heart centered gratitude
Music Only: Practice in Heartfulness
Music only: my heart-centered gratitude practice
YouTube Videos
A youtube solo cello video
Improv on Pachelbel's Canon in D
A link to youtube cello video with Greg Giacona on Piano
Improv over Prelude in C major by JS Bach
A link to youtube nature video with Greg Giacona on Piano
More to be added soon....